Dublin District Heating System - Dublin City Council

Through the North Lotts and Grand Canal Dock and the Poolbeg Strategic Development Zones, DCC is developing the Dublin District Heating System (DDHS) to supply low-carbon heat to houses and businesses in these areas. Waste heat will be taken from the Poolbeg Waste-to-Energy Plant and delivered through insulated pipes to the buildings connected to the system, replacing fossil fuel heating systems and therefore reducing their air pollution and GHG emissions.

The project will consist of three phases; Phase 1 will focus on connecting buildings in the Poolbeg SDZ, Phase 2 will include buildings in Ringsend and Irishtown and Phase 3 will connect buildings in the North Lotts and Grand Canal Dock. This project will be the largest district heating network in the country and will save over 16,000 tonnes of CO₂ when the three phases are up and running.

Codema has already produced a Detailed Financial Appraisal and Market Research Report and Communications Strategy on behalf of the Council and the project has now secured €20 million through the Climate Action Fund. Through detailed feasibility studies the project has shown to be technically and economically viable for a public sector investment, and once funding is secured, the project team will procure a qualified Economic Operator to deliver the project. This project is expected to begin delivery phase in 2019/2020.