19 Mar 2019
Less than a week left to have your say!
There is just under a week left to have your say on the four Dublin Local Authorities’ Draft Climate Change Action Plans.
Public consultation on the Plans will end at 5pm on Monday, 25th March, so please make sure to make a submission before then.
The Plans identify the main climate risks facing Dublin and outline both the Councils’ and the region’s current levels of greenhouse gas emissions.
They also outline all the actions that are ongoing or planned within the Councils and these are grouped under five key areas - Energy & Buildings, Transport, Flood Resilience, Nature-Based Solutions and Resource Management.
The public consultation period began on the 11th February and runs for six weeks up until the 25th March.
During this time, numerous public events were organised by Codema and all four Councils to encourage the public to have their say on the Climate Change Action Plans.
Dublin City Council is hosting a final series of information sessions in some of its public libraries on the following dates this week, so be sure to drop by:
- Tuesday 19 March: Cabra Library, 12.30-2.30pm
- Wednesday, 20 March: Central (Ilac) Library, 12.30-2.30pm
- Thursday, 21 March: Rathmines Library, 2.30-4.30pm
- Friday, 22 March: Raheny Library, 12.30-2.30pm