
This page hosts a range of resources from Dublin Climate Action Week 2024, as well as from previous Dublin Climate Action Weeks. A selection of resources has been added below from events that took place in previous years.


REDAP Tool Demonstration

Presented by Spatial Outlook and Codema, Dublin's Energy Agency, this online event introduced the Regional Energy Demand Analysis Portal (REDAP), a secure, online decision-support tool which will help guide Dublin's energy transition.

Low energy buildings – social housing schemes, new builds and retrofits

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council is a recognised leader in Energy and Buildings and has a strong track record on delivering energy efficiency for Local Authority purposes and in developing low energy homes. Awards include the Leadership in Public Sector Award from the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland in 2019 and three years in a row the Sustainability Award winner from the Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland. The speakers outlined the DLR carbon reduction journey and share case studies of exemplar social housing. The webinar also included a live Q&A with panel members.

Creating a Carbon-Neutral Dublin

Presented by the Dublin Energy Agency Codema, this event explored the results of the Dublin Region Energy Master Plan, which sets out how Dublin can best achieve its carbon emission reduction targets to 2030 and 2050.

Ask The Experts: Live Q&A

Starting the journey of making your home more energy efficient can be a daunting task from understanding where the best place is to start to knowing what grants are available! The Dublin Energy Agency, Codema brought together a panel of experts to share their advice and to answer some of your burning questions relating to home energy upgrades.