

Transport within the Dublin Local Authorities (DLAs) includes areas such as fleet operations, fleet procurement and road traffic management, as well as other areas of influence in the Dublin Region, such as transport planning, and promoting sustainable travel to their staff and the wider public.


The public consultation process ran from 11th February - 25th March 2019, during which time members of the public had their say on the Climate Change Action Plans.

Relevant Chapters of the Local Authority Plans

Below are the Transport chapters from the four Dublin Local Authorities’ Climate Change Action Plans. If you would like to read the councils’ full action plans, click here.

Dublin City Council

Read or download the Transport chapter of Dublin City Council’s plan

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council

Read or download the Transport chapter of Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council’s plan.

Fingal County Council

Read or download the Transport chapter of Fingal County Council’s plan

South Dublin County Council

Read or download the Transport chapter of South Dublin County Council’s plan

Actions in Transport

Below is a featured selection of actions from all four Dublin Local Authorities. Select a local authority to view all of its actions under Transport.