There are many economic, environmental and societal benefits to reducing our emissions and making Dublin more resilient to climate change. These include:


  • By adapting to climate change now, we can ensure that all future plans are climate-proofed and associated opportunities are maximised.
  • By becoming climate leaders, we are attractive to foreign direct investment from companies with a green corporate agenda.
  • By using local solutions to mitigate and adapt to climate change, we can upskill our workers and generate employment.
  • By implementing solutions, we can avail of climate-related EU grants and reduce future fines.
  • By using indigenous, sustainable fuels for our energy needs, we can reduce our reliance on foreign fossil fuels.


  • By using nature-based solutions to climate risks, we can increase the green infrastructure of the city.
  • By improving our public transport system, we reduce congestion and pollution.
  • By increasing resilience, we can protect our native flora and fauna.
  • By implementing mitigation and adaptation actions now, we lessen the potential impacts on the environment in the future.
  • By using nature- based solutions with, or instead of, hard engineering, we can reduce the associated costs of climate action.


  • By improving the energy efficiency of our social housing stock, we can reduce tenants’ utility bills and lessen fuel poverty.
  • By encouraging cycling and walking, we can improve the health of our citizens.
  • By protecting against climate risks, we can reduce impacts on citizens, their properties and services.
  • By informing citizens on the impacts of climate change and possible solutions in their areas, we can create networks of climate-resilient neighbourhoods.
  • By increasing nature-based solutions, we can make Dublin a healthier and more desirable place to live and work.