The four Dublin local authority Climate Change Action Plans feature a range of actions across five key areas - Energy and Buildings, Transport, Flood Resilience, Nature-Based Solutions and Resource Management - that collectively address four main target areas:
- A 33% improvement in the Councils’ energy efficiency by 2020
- A 40% reduction in the Councils’ greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 (in line with the targets outlined in the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy, of which all four Councils are signatories to)
- To make Dublin a climate resilient region, by reducing the impacts of future climate change-related events
- To actively engage and inform citizens on climate change
In order for the Councils to achieve these targets, the Climate Change Action Plans set out the current climate change impacts and greenhouse gas emission levels in each local authority area, through the development of adaptation and mitigation baselines. Each Plan also examines the future impacts that climate change may have on the region and then sets out a first iteration of actions that will be used to reduce the source and effects of these impacts.
Visualising the Action Plans